Last issue Week 15
Welcome to 'Last Week', your weekly roundup of the latest development news, delivered every Monday!
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- The article discusses the drawbacks of Agile methodology in software development and suggests improvements to make it more effective.
- The article explores top digital workspace organization tools for 2024 to help improve efficiency and productivity.
- This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to implement MVVM architecture with RxDart in Flutter, enhancing application development with reactive programming.
- The blog post discusses implementing a referral system in a Flutter application. It covers creating user interfaces and handling logic for referral codes.
- Summary: Learn how to implement pagination using the Riverpod state management library in a Flutter application to handle large datasets efficiently.
- A guide on implementing generative AI with Flutter, exploring its functionality and possibilities.
- The URL discusses how to handle signals in Flutter, offering insights and techniques for effectively managing signals within a Flutter app.
- The article explores how to improve app interaction by implementing drag-and-drop functionality across different apps for a seamless user experience.
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Stay awesome,
James Cardona
LinkedIn & Github & Medium: @jamescardona11